This Is Still the UK’s Favourite Car Colour


Henry Ford told car buyers they could have any colour they wanted as long as it was black. We’ve come some way since then: if you’ve ever tried to find touch up paint, you’ll know the shades of possibility seem endless.

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Why manufacturers find a new hue for every model is a mystery, considering buyers are so conservative. Over 20% of new cars registered in 2018 were grey, with black and white in second and third places. Whatever happened to Scooby Doo’s Mystery Machine?

Grey has practical advantages. Almost any choice of trimmings and upholstery will match, and no colour is better at concealing road splatter. Somehow, grey is in tune with the national character – we don’t like standing out.

Road Safety

Not standing out is why some people object to grey cars. It’s been suggested they are harder to see.

Research from the USA discovered drivers are much more likely to have accidents in cars coloured white. But hang on – research from the EU discovered drivers are much more likely to have accidents in cars coloured black. Only Australia has a problem with grey cars.

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So let’s ask New Zealand. Research has proven the safest cars on their roads are silver.

It looks like dark cars are more accident-prone in dark countries and light-colored ones in bright sunshine. Nowhere are green cars safer than in Australia, (perhaps because of the sparse shrubbery).

Touch-ups and Emergency Repairs

Bodged repairs damage a car’s resale value. Fortunately, black, white and grey cars are easier to merge with readily available mastics, adhesives, and touch-up applicators.

Unfortunately, most motorists choose the wrong products. Many mastics, sealants, and adhesives contain either silicone or polyurethane – neither of which is tolerant of damp, sunshine or mixed surfaces. Polyurethane emits toxic fumes – something you never want inside your cab.

Strangely enough, a product better known as a roof sealant works better than either. CT1 manufacture roof sealants, while other versions of their product are used as metal adhesives. When you think about it, a roof sealant has to stick on damp and rough surfaces, fill voids, be extremely weather-proof and absorb movement. These are the exact qualities needed for car repair.

You’ll be pleased to know that CT1 is available in shades of black, white, blue, brown and… grey!